Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Abgousht (Beef Stew) Persian - Iran


1 cup garbanzo beans
1 cup dried white beans
1/2 pound meat with bones (shank)
1 medium onion , peeled
1 medium potato, peeled (optional)
1/2 cup long grain rice (optional)
1 medium tomato (optional)
1 tablespoon turmeric
salt and pepper, to taste
two heats whole dried lemons of 4 tablespoons lemon juice

Put meat into medium size pot half filled with water. Add the beans, onion, turmeric, salt and pepper. Cook for 1-2 hours on medium-low heat.

Add potato,rice and tomato and let it cook on low heat until all the ingredients are soft.

Separate the juice and ingredients. Pour the ingredients into a bowl, taken out the bones and mash with a potato masher until finely mashed. When the mixture has a smooth texture it can be served.

The soup (juice can be served in a separate bowl and mix in the small pieces of bread- pita, tortilla or Iranian bread)

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