Wednesday, April 12, 2006


One the stops along the Old Santa Fe Trail was Council Grove, Kansas. The Santa Fe Trail was established in 1921 as a trade route to Mexico. In 1857 the Hays House was build and it soon became the local place for meetings, church, court trials and, of course, meals. Some of the parsons include General Custer and Jesse James. When the Union Pafic Railroad reached Juction City, Kansas the use of the Santa Fe trail ended. The Hays House is still serving meals. This brisquit is an example of the food offered and is served with a baked potato and vegetables.


This recipes is for 5-10 lbs. of meat.

1 cup liquid smoke (2 small bottles)
1 cup Kikkoman® soysauce
1/3 cup celery seeds
1/3 cup pepper
1/3 cup worcestershire sauce
2 1/2 tbsp. garlic
2 1/2 tbsp. onion salt

Do the night before you plan to cook meat: Place brisket meat fat side up in pan lined with wide aluminum foil. Mix ingredients in a bowl.

Stir well, and pour over the meat. Seal the meat (close the alunimun foil) Put meat into the refrigerator overnight.

Day 2: Preheat oven to 400°. Take sealed meat from refrigerator, put into oven (leave sealed in alunimum foil).

Bake for about 4 hours. It will be done when you can cut the meat with a FORK!.

Brisket is usually tough. This marinade makes it really tender.

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